Everyone makes mistakes but fortunately and with the right insurance you can be protected.
General Liability coverage in a commercial insurance policy is broad coverage but will exclude coverage for “your work”. GL or CGL will not cover mistakes that you may make as a contractor and that is where Contractor’s E & O coverage comes into play.
Recently we remodeled a home and one of the rooms in the basement is a small gym. We selected a very cool rubber type of carpet for this gym room but when the installer laid the carpet, he did so upside down. The bottom of the carpet had a nice felt finish so an honest mistake but he had to come and tear out the glued down carpet, a difficult task that he enlisted the Marines to help with, literally brough his son who was in the Marines to help with the job.
In this case the flooring contractor ate the $500.00 cost of the carpet but what if they had installed the wrong flooring in the entire home? That would have been a cost to great to bear and that is where Contractor’s E & O coverage would come in handy.
Here are a few other areas where Contractor’s Errors and Omissions coverage may provide coverage:
- Legal fees
- Wrongful acts
- Failure to provide contractual services
- Oversights and Errors (mistakes)
- Use of defective material
Call Carlos Padilla, Parker Simonsen, Melissa Yenny or any Anderson Insurance Group knowledgeable agent for more information today.