Even with a 99%+ satisfaction rate, for one reason or another, some of our clients chose to insure with another agency or online.
In order to protect our clients and to encourage communication of a cancellation, Anderson Insurance Group has established a consistent policy cancellation process so that all clients and the agency are treated fairly and equally.
- Cancellation notices are ONLY accepted from the named insured. You must be listed on the policy and the email requesting cancellation must be from the named insured on record.
- We will forward cancellation email requests from third parties such as other insurance agencies to the named insureds on file and ask them to confirm cancellation. A policy will only be canceled when we receive confirmation from the named insured that they would like to proceed with the cancellation.
- We may request declaration pages to confirm authenticity and to confirm that the new coverage being offered is at least equivalent to the current policy.
- Backdated cancellations will only be honored for the sale of a property or automobile.
- Backdated cancellations for duplicate coverage are often a result of a lack of communication from another insurance agency or client and will be processed the day they are received. If a claim were to have occurred on that property, both insurance policies would have to pay and thus backdating of coverage cannot be honored.
- Refunds are always sent to the insured, not a mortgage company or third party.
- If a policy has an amount owing for premium earned and coverage afforded, the insured is responsible for paying the insurance company or Anderson Insurance Group.
- Inquiries regarding refunds will be handled by our service team in the order in which they are received and within 48 hours of receipt.
- Anderson Insurance Group is only the insurance agency and is not responsible for the length of time an insurance company may take to return a refund.
Too often we receive cancellations from clients whose coverage is not equivalent to the coverage provided by Anderson Insurance Group. Just because an insurance company has great advertisements with the best athletes does not mean their coverage is better than the coverage from Anderson Insurance Group.
Remember, Apples to Apples – Is only good if you have all the right apples.